Software as a Service

Praxwave Technologies provides cost-effective and customizable Saas Services.Our SaaS delivery models are break-through solutions compared to cliched traditional, packaged applications

We offer cost-effective, enterprise-ready SaaS and Cloud Computing solutions that gives you competitive advantage in terms of efficiency and deployment.

Due to changing software licensing models, software vendors face rising competitive pressure to grow their core businesses. Shorter product cycle times are forcing them to rush into new product introductions, and focus on expanding their market share. The economics are also forcing them to align their valuable resources to critical tasks while attempting to reduce back-office costs. Similarly, SMEs and subsidiaries/divisions of larger companies find it increasingly time consuming and costly to develop, implement and support systems, maintain an IT infrastructure, find and retain scarce technical resources and control IT expenditures.

Software as a Service provides a flexible, cost effective, and efficient way to purchase, deploy, and manage software. SaaS provides IT a greater opportunity to deliver real business value to the organization through lower, predictable costs and an increased ability to focus on innovation and differentiation.

Software as a Service (SaaS) has the potential to transform the way information-technology (IT) departments relate to and even think about their role as providers of computing services to the rest of the enterprise. The emergence of SaaS as an effective software-delivery mechanism creates an opportunity for IT departments to change their focus from deploying and supporting applications to managing the services that those applications provide. A successful service-centric IT, in turn, directly produces more value for the business by providing services that draw from both internal and external sources and align closely with business goals.

Key Benefits of SaaS
  • Core Business
  • Cost Reduction
  • Managing the Risks of Software Acquisition
  • Managing IT Focus
  • Enhancements
  • Enhancements